
Fake beauty standards? It's time to move on!

Today while reading news I came across a headline: HUL now renamed its cosmetic line 'Fair and Lovely' to 'Glow and Lovely'. While I appreciate the move that the company is now not trying to set beauty standards for women, I also want to question why for years this product was so successful in the Indian market and why it was launched in the first place. I do not blame the company for launching a product that became such a hit in the market, but I blame the society which sets beauty standards for women and the ads which show fair women performing better, having more confidence, and getting more attention. So, in today's blog, I question these fake beauty standards and suggest ways on how we can improve as a society so that the next product launched to promote fairness becomes a failure. Since childhood, we have been seeing movies, advertisements, and also listening around us that being fair is going to give us an edge over others, be it for your professional d

The tragedy of commons!

Why is it that we take those things for granted that we get in abundance? This is true for almost everything, someone's love or the resources mother nature has given us like trees around and the pure air we breathe. I am writing this blog today on the theory of commons, which says that "there are some goods which we have and those are available to everyone, hence people become selfish while they use those goods and in the end, everybody runs out of those goods. Now why all of a sudden today I have become philosophical is because I saw my neighbor cutting a tree. The tree was on a public street and hence comes under common good but leaves of that tree were falling in his compound and hence he wanted to get rid of that tree. I tried to stop him, also calling other people for help but the lame reason he gave me was because of these leaves his compound was getting dirty and inviting germs. Also, if he didn't cut that tree some other day the government is going to develop t

Minimalism: The way forward!

How many things you have in your room that you don't need. Just take a glance around you and you will find a pen not used since you bought it or clothes in your closet which have tags on them. Why? Why is it necessary to accumulate all these things? I always had this thought in my mind, why are people so much obsessed with things? Because the day you die, you are not going to take anything with you. All this extra stuff is just waste on this planet. The production causes waste, the laborers are treated unfairly and hence it's not sustainable, water, and air pollution during the entire process and you hardly use it once or twice, wastage of space in your closet. In recent times, as online shopping is trending we have started ordering things which are not needed and they just pile up in our stock rooms or end up in the wasteyard of our cities. Every year so many clothes are dumped in developing countries as waste. The solution to this is adopting a life where you purchase a

How are we going to survive without them? Let's protect animals!

Our entire ecosystem is possible because we have animals, but still why don't we care about them. Do they mean nothing to us? Looking at the current behavior of humans it is certain, this selfish breed on the planet only cares about itself. This is very harsh a statement, but what I saw today, brought tears to my eyes and hence I have to say this. Today while walking on the road, I saw a cow eating food which also had plastic particles along with it, I gave the cow some other food and tried to remove the plastic from that food. Why did this happen, one people do not throw waste in the dustbin. This is just one example, but recently in a village people fed crackers to an elephant and he died because of that. Because of the increasing number of non-vegetarians in the world, chickens are given toxic chemicals in their food to increase their breeding and this is not limited to chicken. Other animals consumed by people are treated the same. Our oceans are losing their fishes and th

Taking the first small step!

While doing some research on SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) decided by the UN for environmental and social development of Earth in a sustainable manner, I came across various comments from people that Government is not doing anything for this or that corporates have to do something to reduce plastic production. So, this is a common human mentality of blaming others for your issues. I also agree that for major changes in this domain, support from government and corporates is necessary but its not the only way changes can be brought in place. We, the people can act and start bringing minor changes in this domain. We can lead the moment and make these governments and corporates realize the importance of environment and social development along with economic development. If citizens of a particular country are aware and start working for this cause, governments ought to make policies that support them, and corporates need to abide to those policies. We know "Rome was not

Increasing inequalities but there is hope!

As we see the current situation, where a pandemic has affected millions of lives and many countries, one other thing that we are seeing is how much inequality is present in our societies. In India, many migrants started walking miles just to reach home, and according to them, this was their only way out to save their lives. Many places had stampede where food was being distributed because people dint have anything to eat or no money to buy food. With no income, some men became frustrated and domestic violence increased by alarming numbers. Recently, I came across a video on YouTube by The Economist which said how income difference and upbringing of children in different income families is creating more inequality among society. But, in my blog I propose solutions to problems rather than explaining much about problems, so let's see what all we can do. The video stated that educated families since childhood educated their children and have an open mindset which helps children d

Cost of Development? Ending biodiversity

Today while doing my daily chores I was listening to the podcast of  Kristine Tompkins’ TED talk on Spotify and I was super impressed by her. So, I decided to take the key learnings from that talk and also add my few suggestions and dedicate this blog to the amazing efforts by Kristine. Kristine is a biodiversity conservationist and also the former CEO of Patagonia. She and her husband realized how the progress of industrialization and development all together have side effects like depletion of wildlife and nature. So, they used their capitalist money into the conservation of wildlife and biodiversity. In today's blog, I am going to write about simple measures we as common people can take to save the animals and spices in our surroundings and preserve biodiversity as much as possible. The first thing by which you can start is by proper disposal of your waste especially those nails when you cut, make sure to wrap in a paper or something else before throwing. Also, make s