Fake beauty standards? It's time to move on!
Today while reading news I came across a headline: HUL now renamed its cosmetic line 'Fair and Lovely' to 'Glow and Lovely'. While I appreciate the move that the company is now not trying to set beauty standards for women, I also want to question why for years this product was so successful in the Indian market and why it was launched in the first place. I do not blame the company for launching a product that became such a hit in the market, but I blame the society which sets beauty standards for women and the ads which show fair women performing better, having more confidence, and getting more attention. So, in today's blog, I question these fake beauty standards and suggest ways on how we can improve as a society so that the next product launched to promote fairness becomes a failure. Since childhood, we have been seeing movies, advertisements, and also listening around us that being fair is going to give us an edge over others, be it for your professional d