Increasing inequalities but there is hope!

As we see the current situation, where a pandemic has affected millions of lives and many countries, one other thing that we are seeing is how much inequality is present in our societies. In India, many migrants started walking miles just to reach home, and according to them, this was their only way out to save their lives. Many places had stampede where food was being distributed because people dint have anything to eat or no money to buy food. With no income, some men became frustrated and domestic violence increased by alarming numbers. Recently, I came across a video on YouTube by The Economist which said how income difference and upbringing of children in different income families is creating more inequality among society. But, in my blog I propose solutions to problems rather than explaining much about problems, so let's see what all we can do.

The video stated that educated families since childhood educated their children and have an open mindset which helps children develop but some children in poor families hardly know what a stable family is and hence there is a huge hindrance in their development process. One solution for this which I can think of is the availability of quality education for all. If people in society receive basic education, as a part of their education they will understand what a utopian society is, how families work and the child can develop life-supporting skills through education which will be highly beneficial for his development. Providing quality education is responsibility of the government but we as educated citizens can do our bit for the society. We are constantly surrounded by people of the lower-income group who help us and support us with our day-2-day activities, children of these people also end up doing the same, but we can help them by encouraging them to pursue education, connecting them with various NGOs who work for providing education. All you have to do is a google search of some NGO near you and let them know of the child, you can also take feedback from the child on how the school is going to keep them motivated.

Link for the Economist video which inspired me to dig deep down in inequality of society is:


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