How are we going to survive without them? Let's protect animals!

Our entire ecosystem is possible because we have animals, but still why don't we care about them. Do they mean nothing to us? Looking at the current behavior of humans it is certain, this selfish breed on the planet only cares about itself. This is very harsh a statement, but what I saw today, brought tears to my eyes and hence I have to say this. Today while walking on the road, I saw a cow eating food which also had plastic particles along with it, I gave the cow some other food and tried to remove the plastic from that food. Why did this happen, one people do not throw waste in the dustbin. This is just one example, but recently in a village people fed crackers to an elephant and he died because of that. Because of the increasing number of non-vegetarians in the world, chickens are given toxic chemicals in their food to increase their breeding and this is not limited to chicken. Other animals consumed by people are treated the same. Our oceans are losing their fishes and the variety of species in our environment is decreasing. Cows are given injections just because they produce more milk and the conditions in which they are kept are very toxic. When will we understand the importance of animals and try to change our lifestyle that supports them? Are such incidents not enough to open the eyes of mankind.

Coming to the solutions part, I think it will begin when we acknowledge the importance of animals in our life, be it our food, our leather shoes or any other thing which we get from animals. We have to start being compassionate towards them because they are important and they too have a life. 
  • There is a saying in Sanskrit "Ati Sarvatra Varjayet" which means access of everything is harmful. This is true in what we consume also. Please limit the consumption of animals or animal-related products. I have started living a vegan life just because I care, and it's not only for animals but my health is also improving. So, from my personal experience, start by becoming a vegetarian and then if you can shift to being a vegan. Every time you eat that chicken just for the taste, just imagine the pain it has to go through for being in your dish.
  •  Please dispose of waste in dustbins. Especially waste like plastic, it is not decomposable and will damage land if it doesn't end up in an animal's stomach. By using proper waste management methods like recycling, you will reduce your carbon footprint also.
  • Along with reducing dependence on food from animals, try not buying stuff like leather shoes and jackets, ivory jewelry. While adopting vegan diet, I have also adopted a lifestyle where I don't own any products which are produced by killing an animal. Animals are poached and killed just because of our leisure. If the demand for such products goes down, there will be no profits in such businesses and hence no one will be motivated for poaching and illegal killing of animals.
  • Try providing animals comfortable surroundings by having a water reservoir and plants.
Please follow these steps and start showing compassion towards animals. It's because of their existence that we exist. My humble request to everyone reading this blog to try and adopt an animal-friendly lifestyle and reduce dependence on animal-related products including eating chicken. 


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