Reducing our carbon footprints! No Planet B

Big things start with something small. And this is how Scandavaian countries have started reducing their carbon footprint, especially Sweden. People there have started doing small things which have led to major changes in their environment and reducing the overall carbon footprint and they enjoy a good quality of air. Today lets see these small steps and let's try to incorporate them in our life.

The first step is to change the way we commute. 30% of cities pollution comes from the transport system in the city. So, next time you have a chance, take that city bus rather than going to the office in your own car. Carpooling is another effective way where you can enjoy your ride with your friends and save a hole in your pocket. If its short distance, walk, or cycle instead of using your two-wheeler. Also, try to combine things that you have to take care of on a particular day on the way rather than going out again and again. 

The second thing is switching to clean energy. In India, in many states now solar energy is readily available. While saving the environment, you will also save on the energy bills. In my house, all our energy needs are catered by solar energy. It is a one-time investment and for the rest of your life, you will enjoy free electricity!! While buying vehicles, please buy electric vehicles. Clean energy can help reducing carbon footprint as well as India's dependence on imports of oil and gas. We need to shift to sustainable solutions like solar and wind energy.

The third thing is going green. Try to plant as many trees in your surrounding. Green roofs is an amazing concept if you have no space in your surroundings and even if you have, go ahead with green roofs for our birds. Also, saving water in as many ways as possibles the next step for reducing our carbon footprints.

These things are very small but they are proven to give good results. Let's start by practicing these things from now and in coming blogs, I will come up with more such things. In the beginning, it will definitely be hard, but we know we have to save our earth, so let's do it!! There is no planet B, so the time to start is now.


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